Where to find...
- Boekiewoekie - Amsterdam (NL)
- Stroom bookshop - The Hague (NL)
- Billytown bookshop - The Hague (NL)
- HOK Gallery - The Hague (NL)
- Underbelly - Rotterdam (NL)
- PrintRoom - Rotterdam (NL)
- Supalife - Berlin (DE)
- MZIN - Leipzig (DE)
- Guillaume Daeppen | Gallery for Urban Art & Space for zines - Basel (CH)
Besides numerous private collections some Bur-Rose artists’ books and zines can be found in the public collections of:
- Koninklijke Bibliotheek The Hague, NL
- Museum Meermanno The Hague, NL
- The Archives by Peter van Beveren The Hague, NL
- Stroom The Hague, NL
- XPUB Piet Zwart Institute Rotterdam, NL
- Verbeke Foundation Kemzeke, BE
- Museum Weserburg Bremen, DE
- Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg, DE
- AAP Archiv Künstlerpublikationen München, DE
- Riso Herbarium Berlin, DE
- Fluxus+ Museum Potsdam, DE
- Zines of the Zone Brest, FR
- La Fanzinotheque Portiers, FR
- Goethe-Institute Beijing, CO